3 Ways Running Daycare Ads Helps Parents Find Your Business

Need more parents to find your child care center? Try running daycare ads! We'll go over three ways paid ads can benefit your business in this blog.

When you run a child care business, you specialize in taking care of children, not marketing. So, you might be having a difficult time attracting parents to your daycare or learning center.

There are plenty of child care marketing ideas out there to try, but for quick results that are measurable and affordable, paid advertising or PPC (pay-per-click) is one of your best bets. Additionally, with 75% of people citing that paid ads make it easier to find what they’re searching for on the web, this type of marketing is also highly effective.

daycare ads

In this blog, we’ll break down three ways that running daycare ads can help parents find and choose your child care or learning center.

1. Daycare Ads Build Brand Awareness

You can think of banner ads as kind of like an online billboard for your child care business. This type of paid ad puts your brand in front of a large audience of people, which in turn helps to build brand awareness.

Think about how billboards on the highway catch your eye. The more you see it, the more familiar that brand or product becomes. Banner ads work the exact same way, just on the internet instead of on the highway.

The more familiar your daycare or learning center becomes to parents, the more likely they are to seek you out when they need your services.

Banner ads aren’t the only ad type that can help your child care business stand out. You can also choose to run search ads, which have been shown to increase brand awareness by up to 80%.

2. Daycare Ads Help You Get to the Top of Google Quickly

Did you know that 5.9 million searches happen on Google every minute? And 46% of those searches have local intent? That means a high Google ranking for a child care business with a physical location like yours is pretty important. But how important is it to get to the top?

Well, the average click-through rate (CTR) for the result that shows up #1 in a Google search is about 27.6%. While the average CTR for a search result in the #10 position is only about 2.4%.

This means that the higher you rank in Google, the more likely it is that your business is going to be seen and clicked on by parents.

There are a couple of different ways to get to the top of Google, one being local SEO (search engine optimization). However, SEO can take a lot of time and expertise.

The quickest way to get to the top of Google is by running paid daycare ads such as search ads or Local Service Ads (LSAs). 65% of all high-intent searches result in an ad click. Which means that the people who are most interested in your services are more likely to see and click on your business ad.

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3. Daycare Ads Have the Ability to Target and Retarget

We already talked about how some types of paid ads can act as an online billboard for your brand by exposing it to a wide audience, but paid ads can also target and retarget specific customers.

Why is targeted advertising as beneficial as display advertising? Well, it helps you maximize your content across the web and increase your ROI. Instead of showing your business to everyone, even people without children who wouldn’t need your services, targeted ads help you focus on the types of customers who will need care for their kids. Maybe those who are browsing baby items online or those who are looking at other daycare services in your area.

Ok, say your targeted ads (or search or display ads!) worked, and a potential customer visited your website. That’s a checkmark in the win column for sure. But then they left your website without filling out a form or making a call to your business. That’s where retargeting comes in handy.

Retargeting gives you the opportunity to recapture potential leads or customers by reminding them of why they visited your site in the first place. It even gives you a chance to offer an incentive for calling or enrolling, like a percentage off.

With targeting and retargeting, you can get your child care center in front of the right customers (people with a need for child care) more efficiently.

Final Thoughts

In this digital age, even local businesses with physical locations like child care and learning centers need digital marketing. This includes using a portion of your marketing budget to run online paid advertising.

With their ability to reach both large and narrow audiences along with getting your business to the top of Google search quickly, paid advertising can help you reach more parents. In turn, this helps you get more enrollments.

Want to make sure you’re choosing the most effective types of daycare ads for your business? You can check out RevLocal’s paid advertising services or reach out to us today for a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our digital marketing experts.

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