Meet Google Bard: Google’s New AI ChatBot

Google’s AI Bard is a new chatbot! This bot creates competition for ChatGPT and questions for copywriters about what content will rank highest in search results.

Google Bard is the search engine’s new artificial intelligence chatbot. Shortly after OpenAI’s release of ChatGPT, Google unveiled their own AI chat, Bard. Google describes the chatbot as, 

“Meet Bard: your creative and helpful collaborator, here to supercharge your imagination, boost your productivity, and bring your ideas to life. Bard is an experiment and may give inaccurate or inappropriate responses. You can help make Bard better by leaving feedback. Join the waitlist and try it for yourself.”

Google’s chatbot is currently only available to a limited number of businesses that have already received the invitation. If you want your business to access the bot, you can request to join the waitlist here.

Currently, Google’s primary goal for the Bard AI is to receive user feedback. Google will use this feedback to improve the bot’s accuracy ratings and overall user experience.

From the limited data available from both Google Bard and ChatGPT, the consensus is that ChatGPT provides a better experience at the moment.

Final Thoughts 

Small businesses are finding creative ways to use AI chatbots, and the bots are helping entrepreneurs invent new businesses, business models and innovative branding strategies. Keeping up-to-date on all developments in the AI world may give certain small businesses an edge over others. It can dramatically change the digital marketing landscape for everyone.

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