Websites Made with Google Business Profiles Being Turned Off

Google is turning off websites made with Google Business Profile in March 2024. Here’s everything you need to know about the announcement.

Google has just announced an important update regarding websites made with Google Business Profiles. Beginning March 2024, the creation of websites with Google Business Profiles will no longer be supported and any existing websites made with the tool will be turned off.

Customers visiting websites made with a Google Business Profile will be redirected to your Business Profile. But the redirect will only work until June 10, 2024. After that date, customers will see a “page not found” error. Read on for helpful information about the transition.

How do I know if my website is made with Google Business Profiles?

If you think you have a website made with Google Business Profiles but aren’t sure, you can find out in a few simple steps:

  • Go to your Business Profile
  • Select Edit profile
  • Under “Business information,” select Contact
  • On the right side of “Website,” click Edit
  • If you have a website made with Google Business Profile: You’ll find the website under “You have a website created with Google”

I have a website made with Google Business Profiles, now what?

Until June 10, 2024, your customers will simply be redirected to your Business Profile. After that though, they’ll receive a “page not found” error. If you’d like to continue having a website for your business and ensure your customers are getting the best possible experience, Google suggests creating a new website using other tools. Check out RevLocal’s website services to see if we might be able to help!

Once you have a new website created, you can then link the new address to your Business Profile. As long as that is completed before June 10, 2024, your customers will never receive an error message.

What about the Ad campaigns I had connected to my Google Business Profiles website?

You might be using a website made with a Google Business Profile to run your Ads campaign. If so, don’t panic, you have a couple of options. First, you can simply update your ads to link to a new website before March 1, 2024. This will keep them running smoothly. Second, if you don’t have a new website before the cutoff date, you can pause the campaign.

What if I have a Google Business Profile website that uses a third-party domain?

If your business’s website uses a custom domain name, or vanity URL, to forward traffic to the site made with your Google Business Profile, customers visiting that domain will still be directed to your Business Profile. As we mentioned, that redirect with only work until June 10, 2024. You’ll need to sign into your hosting company account and choose a “Redirect” option (or something similar) to forward your third-party domain to a different website before the cutoff date.

Final Thoughts

This is a major change that means some quick action for business owners using this tool. Luckily Google is offering a redirect for a short period of time, but we recommend getting another website set up as soon as possible. That way your customers don’t see any interruptions when trying to view your products or services. We know that this is a lot of work that can take a significant amount of time. RevLocal can get a new website up and running for you in no time. Schedule a free consultation with us to learn about this service along with other ways you can improve your digital marketing strategy.

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