How to Create a Facebook Business Page From Your Profile

Keeping your personal Facebook separate from your business page is essential! To help, we have the step-by-step instructions for creating a business page in our blog.

How to Create a Facebook Business Page From Your Profile

As a small business owner, you are familiar with the importance of separating business from personal life. You also understand that reaching your current and future customers through multiple digital outlets is a key aspect of growing your business.

With nearly four billion social media users worldwide, and 2.5 billion of those users on Facebook, social media is a force to reckoned with, and Facebook has the ability to reach more people than any other social media platform on the internet.

And while the differences between a personal Facebook profile and a business page may seem self-explanatory, do you, as a business owner, know how to create a business page from your personal profile?

That’s what we’re here for! Keep reading for the step-by-step details on creating a Facebook business page and the optimization strategies that follow.

Creating a Facebook Business Page

  1. Create a page from your personal account

Along the upper bar of your Facebook page, next to the search bar, it lists your name, “Home,” “Find friends,” and “Create.” Click the “Create” tab. From there, you will be led to a page that asks you to “Get Started” with either a Business or Brand page or Community or Public Figure page. Select “Business or Brand.”

  1. Input basic business information

You will then be asked to provide your business name, the category that your business fits under (make it as specific as possible), address, phone number and a profile photo that represents your business such as your logo. Once your photo is uploaded, you will be taken to your new business page.

  1. Add additional business details

On the left-hand menu, under your business profile photo, click the “See more” drop-down bar and click the “About” section. At the top of the section, select “Edit Page Info,” and from there, add all the information that would be helpful for your customers and page visitors to know!

And that’s it; a simple way to make your business accessible to a huge new audience of social media users!

For visual guidance, follow our video tutorial below.

Facebook vs. LinkedIn

Are you still questioning the importance of having a Facebook business page? Do you see more value in professional social media outlets like LinkedIn?

Well, think again!

Facebook not only reaches an audience that is significantly larger than LinkedIn (2.5 billion Facebook users vs. 675 million LinkedIn users), but it is yet another touchpoint for customers to find you! For those of your customers who may not be on LinkedIn or may prefer Facebook, it is important to offer them more than just LinkedIn to get updates and interact with your business.

Don’t get us wrong, LinkedIn is essential to your social media presence, but its important to not underestimate the business value of Facebook.

Your Facebook business page has endless amounts of special features, one being live video! Give this blog a read to learn all the details about going live on Facebook.

Optimizing Your Page

When it comes to optimizing your new Facebook Business page, one of the most effective means of achieving this is by inviting people to like your page.

Facebook makes sending this request simple, and it is separate from simply adding friends as you would do on a personal Facebook page. This like request is specifically geared toward businesses on the platform and allows those who “like” your page to show their support for your business and interest in your content.

In addition to inviting users to like your page, consider asking them for reviews. By asking for reviews, you can build your online review reputation beyond just Google or Yelp. Now you can have an established reputation even when people visit your social media!

Check out these blogs for more information on how to effectively manage Facebook reviews and how reviews can affect your local business.

Final Thoughts

Establishing your business’s presence on Facebook doesn’t have to be difficult, but creating and optimizing your page is the first step you must take in achieving this!

With the help of these step-by-step instructions for setting up your business page and additional tips to keep in mind to grow your Facebook presence, you will be taking social media by storm.

Don’t forget the importance of getting ahead of the competition with the perfect social media strategy. Our RevLocal strategists and consultants are committed to helping you along the journey. Click here to request a demo.

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