Why You Need Display and Retargeting Ads

How can display and retargeting ads benefit your business? Check out our blog to find out!

Why You Need Display and Retargeting Ads

You’ve focused on improving your social media presence, building your brand reputation through reviews and expanding your business through local search optimization, but something in your digital marketing presence is still missing.

What is this missing puzzle piece, you ask? It’s strategic paid advertising, specifically display and retargeting ads.

In past blogs, we’ve introduced you to the importance of paid advertising strategies, but what is it about display and retargeting ads that make the difference?

We’re here to cover all the questions and highlight the benefits of utilizing these cost-effective advertising strategies for your local business.

What are display ads?

Never underestimate the power that display ads have in attracting consumer attention. You’ve seen and interacted with them as a consumer yourself, even if you may not have realized it, so why not extend that exposure to your business?

Gaining customer attention at the beginning of their journey is ideal, and display ads are a strategic step in this process. These display ads can keep your business at the top of customer’s minds, grow demand and put your business ahead of competitors.

Display ads are visible across hundreds of websites, the most notable being YouTube, Gmail and multiple Google platforms such as Maps and Shopping.

These ads are displayed alongside the web page an internet user is navigating. Whether it is a banner ad across the top of the web page or an integrated native ad, display ads are targeted and shown based on content and audience.

For more content that helps breaks down both display and search ads, check out this blog.

The benefits of display ads

There’s a lot of good news when it comes to including display ads as a part of your paid advertising plan. Here are a few points to take note of:

  1. Potential customers who are searching and navigating the internet do not need to explicitly search for your business’s products and services to see your display ad. Instead, as we highlighted earlier, display ads have content and audience standards that help in determining if your ad will show depending on the internet user and the web pages they are visiting.
  2. Google automates and optimizes your business’s display ad to a format that best suits the webpage it will show on. This allows for improved and more efficient visibility of your business, specifically native ads work to seamlessly integrate into a website, making your ad a natural addition.
  3. Display ads utilize geofencing tactics. By focusing on local targeting, ads can reach and create demand with relevant customers who are nearby your business.
  4. Impressions mean more than clicks! With display ads, the concern is gaining awareness rather than a click like search ads. Because of this, your business can build its reach and bring down costs.

What is retargeting?

Are you considering adding more to your display advertising plan? Look no further than strategic retargeting. Here’s a great opportunity to grow your targeting efforts toward potential customers.

With remarketing, your business can grow its reach with those relevant customers we mentioned earlier. Retargeting first gathers data to provide you with information on internet users who visited your business’s website. When users leave your site and continue to visit others, retargeting can then display ads for your products and services on the websites they are currently visiting.

The benefits of retargeting

No customer is a lost opportunity when it comes to utilizing retargeting. Here are a few of the many reasons why retargeting should be a part of your advertising strategy:

  1. Remind your customers of what they were looking for! That’s right. It’s not usually the case that a customer will leave your website or a product page because they weren’t interested. In fact, nearly 96 percent of people who initially visit your website are not ready to buy. So, retargeting allows them to see your product again, no matter what platform they are on, and potentially revisit your site to make a purchase!
  2. Retargeting opportunities are available through hundreds of websites, whether that is YouTube, Facebook or Instagram. The benefit of retargeting via social media is especially noteworthy because it presents your business through a social, reliable and trustworthy source.
  3. A cost-efficient way to compliment and expand your current local search and paid advertising strategies as retargeting is encompassing of both!

Final thoughts

We understand that there are a lot of options to consider when it comes to setting up a paid advertising strategy. So, it is necessary to assess the value of the different paid advertising plans that RevLocal has to offer. The display and retargeting ads we highlighted in this blog can be the perfect compliment to bigger plans you may already have in place or effective strategies in their own right.

To learn more about paid advertising with RevLocal, click here. If you are looking to create a microsite that works in collaboration with your paid advertising plan, you can learn more about our website services here.

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