3 Ways to Build Your Insurance Office’s Digital Presence

It's time to build your insurance office's digital presence! Read our blog to find out how.

3 Ways to Build Your Insurance Office’s Digital Presence

What advertising have you done for your insurance office?

Maybe you’ve invested in a billboard or ran a direct mail campaign. Was it successful? How do you measure success when it comes to your advertising?

If someone sees that billboard and wants to work with you, how do they engage? Simple, they go online!

We understand that advertising isn’t new to the insurance world, but we’d argue that a well-rounded digital presence is imperative to your strategy, to get new eyes on you and to complement any other efforts you have in place.

When it comes to your marketing, there are three important components you need to address online:

1. Build the Digital Foundation

When insurance agents are everywhere you turn, it’s essential that you are an option online. Whether you are an independent broker or are a captive agent, you need to be found.

Local search helps build your credibility, not only to search engines but to the searchers using Google, Yelp and everything in-between to find insurance.

And, just like your billboard off the highway, banner ads work as a digital billboard to saturate your area.

Whether they need insurance today or next year, building your insurance office’s digital foundation will improve brand recognition so people will remember your name.

2. Humanize Your Business

At the end of the day, you sell insurance, but what appeals to a buyer is the price and who you are.

This isn’t simply transactional. You’re building a relationship.

In a complicated industry where the average consumer doesn’t understand the complexities of their needs, they want to know they have an advisor they can trust.

There are two areas where this reflects best:

  • Review Marketing. Word-of-mouth is important, but when searchers are exploring their options online, they’ll turn to reviews to understand your clients’ experiences. Having a review strategy can showcase your fantastic team and the terrific service they provide.
  • Social Media. Show some personality and dare to have a sense of humor. And, you can showcase your industry expertise with tips on home maintenance to reduce claims or did-you-knows that could save your client on their premiums.

3. Generate New Leads

Ultimately, you want new clients and the previously mentioned strategies set you up for success with online validation.

You may have purchased leads before and know the quality of those leads and the amount of time expended.

A targeted ad strategy, conversely, allows you to show to searchers definitively looking for insurance.

They are exploring their options and need to make a decision. It is the most direct approach with searchers ready to buy. Because of this and the amount of competition, it comes with a price tag.

It’s really important to recognize the quality of the leads and the value of one lead considering the lifetime value of a client.

To take this one step further, paid advertising can allow you to target the policies most important to you.

If you believe in the “in through the driveway” approach, you have the unique ability to show ads to those interested in auto or car insurance. You have tremendous control of the leads most important to you.

Final Thoughts

No matter how aggressive your goals, digital marketing has strategies that will help you reach them.

Other lead generation efforts can lead a consumer online and a strong presence can serve as the assist — or, it can be a lead driver.

And, digital marketing allows you to monitor progress and track your successes. All of it is an investment, but it’s helpful to understand what you’re investing in.

If you’re ready to invest in your insurance office, we’re here to help! Contact our team at RevLocal today to request a no-obligation consultation.

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