Here Are the Top Mistakes Your Business is Making on Instagram

Making simple mistakes on Instagram can hinder your business in major ways. We walk you through those common mistakes and how to correct them right here!

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If you’re reading this blog, you are likely looking for some help when it comes to running your Instagram page.

While social media is constantly changing with trends, tools and so much more, there are features and approaches that make all the difference when it comes to having either a strong or poor Instagram presence and we break those down in this blog!

Make sure to keep reading so you can learn about the mistakes you may be making on Instagram currently, and how you can adapt to improve your profile.

Mistake 1: Poor Quality Images and Videos

Think about it. Nothing makes you more disinterested in a post while scrolling through your feed than a terrible quality image. This should be especially obvious on a platform like Instagram which is based around visuals.

Now, we’re not asking for professional quality photos or videos, but you should be thoughtful of the photos you take and the videos you create!

Sometimes, getting a quality photo or video is as simple as making a few simple edits.

If this is not your forte, there are many great resources for editing, as well as for finding stock photos if you do not plan on posting original photo content. Check out some recommendations here.

In short, make sure your photo or video is worth liking! Would you “like” a poor-quality photo on Instagram? Probably not, so make sure your posts are worth your followers’ likes.

Learn more about the application of high-quality photos when it comes to local search as well! Click here to read the details.

Mistake 2: No Posting Schedule

Consistency has an influential place in building a following on social media. When it comes to Instagram, you must establish a pattern for posting that gives users and current followers a reliance and expectation of your online presence.

If you see this being an obstacle, there are a few different solutions that can make achieving this easier.

There are many different outlets for scheduling posts, Instagram even offers it through Facebook in the Creator Studio platform.

So, don’t let yourself feel hindered and overwhelmed by keeping up with a consistent posting schedule because there are plenty of outlets that are here to help!

Make sure you are setting monthly goals which can then help you strategize the type of posts you plan out. This will bring direction to your posts and direct and encourage followers to engage with your business goals!

Want to learn more about setting up marketing goals for your business? Check out this blog!

Mistake 3: Misusing Hashtags

There’s a lot of power behind a hashtag. But with great power, comes great responsibility!

That’s why one of the biggest mistakes you may be making is overloading your posts with hashtags, or, on the other hand, not using them at all.

As you probably know by now, hashtags have the ability to connect social media users to your posts if they are searching under a specific hashtag. So, make sure you are using them to build connections and interest in your posts and your page. This has the potential to build your followers!

Now, the trouble with hashtags comes when you exceed a reasonable amount of them in a single post. Naturally, a post with tons of hashtags can come across as spam to someone who is viewing that post.

On the other hand, posts that don’t have hashtags lose the chance to reach more social media users, so make sure you are finding a balance in your hashtag strategy.

Follow this blog for additional tips when it comes to using hashtags on social media.

Mistake 4: Disengaging with Followers

Take a moment to answer this question. Who brings more engagement to your business’s Instagram than social media users?

Do you have your answer? It’s no one!

The only way to build your Instagram presence is to engage with and show your appreciation for the followers that bring your page more exposure.

Don’t view your followers as a business interaction as much as a personal interaction. Make sure you respond to their comments, thank them for sharing your posts and more!

This is a simple way to build a community with Instagram users who take the time to engage with your posts!

You have the opportunity to create a brand identity as being responsive and attentive on social media and this ultimately, extends to your business as a whole.

Mistake 5: No Visual Consistency to be Found

People are driven by visuals now more than ever. With the overload of visual stimulation that comes with being on social media, your business should always aim to be recognizable and eye-catching in a person’s feed.

What is the biggest mistake that a brand can make when it comes to being identifiable on Instagram? Making inconsistent visuals!

Now, this tip can also be considered for your business as a whole if you have not yet prioritized it, but it is especially true on Instagram.

When a follower, or even a random Instagram user, sees your post, they want to have visual recognition with it. That creates a strong association and a general identity for your company.

Whether it is the specific colors that are used in visuals, font types and more, these will build the presence that Instagram users need to believe in and follow your business!

Think about when a customer on your website wants to view your social media pages to learn more about your business.

If they click on your Instagram link and the posts on your profile do not look cohesive with the brand you present on your website, they may be skeptical of the kind of business they are buying into.

Give consumers the visual reassurance they need to follow your business on social media, purchase your products and eventually, become loyal customers.

If you are looking to learn a little more about the different visual branding elements that build consistency and recognizability as well as the common mistakes that small businesses make, read this blog!

Mistake 6: Analytics, who?

Have you been watching the numbers associated with your Instagram posts? And we’re not just talking about likes.

Sure, likes are a great indicator of engagement but there is much more that comes with Instagram analytics that can help you strategize posts for the future.

Instagram analytics give you the information you need to understand the interactions, follows, reach, impressions, and much more that you need to know about your followers and their interactions.

These different analytics are your Instagram playbook!

So, if you are ignoring this feature, it’s time to readjust and focus on how much it can help! Stop guessing what your followers and other Instagram users may like and instead, analyze and strategize to give them what they WANT!

Final Thoughts

Let this information be your motivation to reinvent your Instagram presence for success!

Addressing these common mistakes and applying our recommended solutions offers your business the opportunity to be a reliable, recognizable, relatable and entertaining profile that social media users want to follow, like and keep up with.

Make sure to subscribe to our blog for all of the latest information on Instagram, social media and so much more.

And while you’re at it, make sure to head over to our Instagram for some much-needed inspiration!

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